Our Book

I Don't Just Work Here:
The New Purpose of Workplace Culture

By Felicia Joy & Elena Grotto

Release date: February 13, 2024; distribution by Penguin Random House

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I Don’t Just Work Here: The New Purpose of Workplace Culture is a field guide that equips business leaders with what to say and do as they face the new expectations of workplace culture because, after all, work isn’t what it used to be.

Changes in society have created a world where many employees now show up for work not just to do their jobs but also to discover, debate, and digest important social issues. A growing number of workers want to have an impact in the world and their preferences are a prompt for employers to be more mindful of the role of business in driving change, starting with what people experience at work.

In this context, people managers are now being asked to operate as both business leaders and community leaders within the workplace—and the latter skillset is new to many. Insights in this book can help managers replace anxiety with confidence to lead with greater purpose, provide the space and support for employees to develop and, ultimately, leverage culture to bolster business.

In I Don’t Just Work Here, Felicia Joy and Elena Grotto, experts on behavioral science, business strategy, and organizational culture, share practical guidance to help organizations rise to these new standards by advancing seven behaviors, including the surprising—and perhaps most important—new business skill for high-performing cultures: forgiveness.

Organizations that take heed and elevate people managers, invest in building a meaningful culture, and lead with clear values and behaviors, are more likely to have a decisive competitive advantage for years to come.